You will be cared for and supported by a team of doctors, midwives, nurses and allied healthcare professionals. Our program is a shared care model so you will receive care from both doctors and midwives throughout your pregnancy, labour and birth and postpartum period. Our goal is to give you a safe and positive birth experience. When appropriate, we will support you to stay at home as long as possible in early labour. We will follow you and baby closely once discharged from the hospital. Care from our nurses/lactation consultants will provide you with excellent support in the first weeks after your baby arrives.
For those opting for doula care, when your labour begins, you are usually in touch with the doula and they will come to your home and help you decide best timing for coming to the hospital. During labour, the doula provides 100% one on one support for you and your partner. While nurses and care practitioners provide support in labour as well, they also have other roles and responsibilities. A doula helps fill that gap and provides continuous, positive support.
For postpartum care, our RNs, who are Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultants, will call you the day following your discharge from the hospital to check in. They are happy to answer any questions and provide education on what to expect for the next evening and night until they come to your house the following day. Follow up visits are booked depending on your needs, but typically include care on day 3, day 5-7, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks postpartum. Extra phone calls, weight checks, mental health check-ins, and breastfeeding assistance are provided as you need!